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And what have been the outcomes of public enterprises in Nigeria?

The outcomes have been disappointing and include: Corruption and mismanagement leading to low productivity; Dependence on continued funding from government budgets. Instead of providing any benefits to Nigerians, Nigerians must give up many benefits themselves that can’t be provided by government since there isn’t enough money; Lack of real ownership and accountability, leading to the …

And what have been the outcomes of public enterprises in Nigeria? Read More »

Why do public enterprises exist in Nigeria?

Public enterprises, like in other countries, were established with good intentions for the welfare of the people. The overriding reasons for creating public enterprises in Nigeria were to: Make up for a shortage of local capital for expansion and technological improvements; Ensure government control of “commanding heights” to prevent elites from prospering at the expense …

Why do public enterprises exist in Nigeria? Read More »

What is a stock market?

The stock market is an institution where shares (as defined above) are bought and sold.  Shares can be sold as part of daily stock market activity, through share subscriptions and initial public offerings (IPOs).